Purple Heart

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"It's dangerous to go alone. Take Nep!"


The CPU of Planeptune, the Land of Purple Progress. Neptune's the protag here, and the main muse, so you'd best be treating me-- I mean, her with respect, ya hear?

Being the awesome protag she is, Neptune uses a single sword (usually made of wood) as her weapon of choice, 'cause she's cool like that!


Ultra Dimension

Neptune (Ultra Dimension)

Wait, what's Ultra Nep doing here? She's another person, not a transformation! What, we couldn't just add another page for her?

Aaaaanyway... this is Ultra Dimension Neptune! She's Neptune, from the Ultra Dimension, where she was never a Goddess!

This Neptune's quite a bit stronger than her Super Dimension counterpart, and she gets dual blades and a pistol! Which is super cool! It's like Nepu May Cry over here!

Her childlike innocence is still there, though! It's everything you loved about the original Neptune, just in a bigger package!

Purple Heart

Purple Heart

Neptune's Goddess Form! She's super powerful in this form and the only thing that can really match her full power is another CPU!

Neptune gets a heck of a lot mature in this form, and is the most level-headed CPU out of the main four. Her whole personality does a complete 180!

Despite all that, and despite ruling over Planeptune for many, many years, she's still pretty rough around the edges even in this form, especially when compared to her Hyper Dimension counterpart.

Even Neptune isn't sure what the full extent of her power is...

As Purple Heart, she pretty much always uses her super duper powerful sword that cuts through anything like butter, and like butter like water, and through water like air, and through air like [NULL]!

NEXT Purple

NEXT Purple

Wait, that's not canon.

Neptune is able to access an imperfect NEXT Form on certain occasions.

She's only able to access this form if she's fully level-headed, and she's not even sure how it's invoked otherwise. Usually it's a mixture of luck and determination.

Most of Neptune's knowledge about NEXT Form is from what she's heard from Hyper Dimension's Neptune, and even so, that knowledge is heavily limited.


As Neptune

As Purple Heart

Unique Abilities

Game Index

Neptune can steal the powers of video game characters to use for herself.

If the power she steals is from a game series published from Planeptune (SEGA), Neptune will be able to use it with perfect efficiency.